Most important articles
- Savoy J.:
Text Representation Strategies: An Example with the State of the Union Addresses. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, to appear.
- Savoy J.:
Estimating The Probability of an Authorship Attribution. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2015.
- Savoy J.:
Vocabulary Growth Study: An Example with the State of the Union Addresses. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 2015.
- Savoy J.:
Text Clustering: An Application with the State of the Union Addresses. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2015.
- Savoy J.:
Comparative Evaluation of Term Selection Functions for Authorship Attribution. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, to appear.
- Savoy J.:
Authorship Attribution Based on a Probabilistic Topic Model. Information Processing & Management, 49(1), 2013, 341-354.
- Savoy J.:
Authorship Attribution Based on Specific Vocabulary. ACM – Transactions on Information Systems, 30(2), 2012, 170-199.
- Dolamic L., Savoy J.:
Comparative Study of Indexing and Search Strategies for the Hindi, Marathi and Bengali Languages. ACM – Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing, 9(3), 2010.
- Dolamic L., Savoy J.:
When Stopword Lists Make the Difference. Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences and Technology, 61(1), 2010, 200-203.
- Dolamic L., Savoy J.:
Indexing and Stemming Approaches for the Czech Language. Information Processing & Management, 45(6), 2009, 714-720.
- Dolamic L., Savoy J.:
Indexing and Searching Strategies for the Russian Language. Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences and Technology, 60(12), 2009, 2540-2547.
- Savoy, J., Dolamic L.: How effective is Google's translation service in search?
Communications of the ACM, 52(10), 2009.
- Savoy, J.: Searching Strategies for the Hungarian Language.
Information Processing & Management, 44(1), 2008, p. 310-324.
- Savoy, J.: Searching Strategies for the Bulgarian Language.
Information Retrieval Journal, 2007, 10(6), p. 509-529.
- Savoy, J.: Comparative Study of Monolingual and Multilingual Search Models for Use with Asian Languages.
ACM Transactions on Asian Languages Information Processing, 4(2), 2005, p. 163-189.
- Savoy, J.: Bibliographic Database Access using Free-Text and Controlled Vocabulary: An Evaluation.
Information Processing & Management, 2005, 41(4), p. 873-890.
- Savoy, J.: Combining Multiple Strategies for Effective Cross-Language Retrieval.
Information Retrieval Journal, 7(1-2), 2004, p. 121-148.
- Savoy, J.: Cross-Language Information Retrieval: Experiments Based on CLEF-2000 Corpora.
Information Processing & Management, 2003, 39(1), p. 75-115.
- Rasolofo Y., Hawking D., Savoy, J.: Result Merging Strategies for a Current News MetaSearcher.
Information Processing & Management, 2003, 39(4), p. 581-609.
- Picard J., Savoy, J.: Retrieval Effectiveness on the Web.
Information Processing & Management, 2001, 37(4), p. 543-569.
- Le Calvé A., Savoy, J.: Database Merging Strategy Based on Logistic Regression.
Information Processing & Management, 2000, 36(3), p. 341-359.
- Savoy, J.: A Stemming Procedure and Stopword List for General French Corpora.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1999, 50(10), p. 944-952.
- Savoy, J.: Statistical Inference in Retrieval Effectiveness Evaluation.
Information Processing & Management, 1997 33(4), p. 495-512.
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