Course 1: Quasi-Stationary Distributions for absorbed Markov Processes


Markov processes almost surely absorbed in finite time arise in many areas of applications, particularly populations dynamics/genetics where absorption

corresponds to the extinction of a (sub)population. Such processes often exhibit a stabilization of the population distribution before absorption

(e.g. the mortality plateau in living populations), although their stationary distribution is trivial.

To study this phenomenon, the proper notion is the one of quasi-stationary distributions, i.e. distributions stationary conditionally on non-absorption.

The aim of this course is to present the basic properties of quasi-stationary distributions and to study the properties of existence, uniqueness,

and convergence of conditional distributions for several classes of classical processes in population dynamics (birth and death processes, Wright-Fisher diffusions of

Fisher diffusions with interaction... in one and several dimensions). We will in particular present recent results making use of probabilistic coupling techniques developed

in collaboration with Denis Villemonais. The question of approximation of quasi-stationary distributions with particle systems will also be studied.