Who is behind Elena Ferrante? |
- Up to 2016
- For the New York Times, Anita Raja
- For the New York Times, Anita Raja, not so sure
- For the New Yorker, Anita Raja
- For the Guardian, Anita Raja
- For Bustle, 9 possible names
- For the Guardian, Domenico Starnone?
- In Corriere della Sera
- In Il Sole 24 ore
- In L'Express, Anita Raja
- In Le Figaro, Anita Raja
- In NZZ, Anita Raja
- But in 2017
- In La Reppublicca, Domenico Starnone
- In Il Piccolo, Domenico Starnone
- In L'Express (Neuchâtel), Domenico Starnone
- D. Starnone's answer: It's not me