The program is written by Jan Picek, from the University of Liberec.
The three necessary files are
Files are also available on Jan Picek's web site.
The program requires at least version 4.5 of S-Plus.
After starting S-Plus, type
- source("path\\rq.s")
- source("path\\adaptive.s")
where path is the full name of the directory (c:\\dirname\\subdirname ...) where the files are located. These two files must be installed only once, but at the beginning of each session, you must type
- dyn.load("path\\rq.obj")
Then the program is called in typing the followin command:
- adaptive ("path\\filename", alpha=0.05, const=1.2, betatest=0, snkern=F, detail=F, diagn=F, tets=F, out="S", iter=150, toler=.Machine$double.eps^(1/2)))
It is necessary to give at least the first option.